Posted: March 14, 2023Views: 422
A syringe is one of the most commonly used medical devices to administer medication in the body or withdraw fluids from the body. According to WHO, approximately 16 billion injections are used in a year around the globe. Conventional disposable syringes are dominating the market followed by auto-disable/safety syringes. The Indian market size of disposable syringes was estimated to be $148 million in 2020 and this is expected to reach $385.4 million in 2030. This increase has been estimated due to the escalation in the number of chronic illnesses/surgeries and
the promotion of safety syringes. In order to improve the syringe quality and minimize exposure to harmful substances to safeguard clinicians, healthcare personnel, and patients’manufacturers are focused on developing safety-engineered syringes. Some of the key players in the syringe industry include:
- 1. BD Medical