Dentsply Aquasil Ultra XLV Refill Elastomeric Impression Material | Pack Size | 4 x 50ml Cartridge

Aquasil Ultra LV Smart Wetting Regular Set is a quadrafunctional hydrophilic addition reaction silicon, light-body, elastomeric impression material with excellent hydrophilic properties, dimensional accuracy, high tear strength and resistance to permanent deformation.

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Price: 3,922.00 (Inclusive of Taxable Goods)
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Dentsply Aquasil Ultra XLV Refill Elastomeric Impression Material | Pack Size | 4 x 50ml Cartridge is available to buy in increments of 1

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Prashanth Reddy V | Senior Sales Executive

+91 9063507429

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 KEY FEATURES :- It has smart Wetting that improves both wetting on the tooth surface and model detail reproduction. It is available in cartridge delivery. Aquasil Ultra is a Smart Wetting elastomeric impression material with excellent hydrophilic properties, dimensional accuracy, high tear strength and resistance to permanent deformation. Aquasil Ultra XLV Wash materials are available in 50 ml cartridges for manual application as well as digit cartridges for single-use application. Aquasil Ultra is a Quadra functional modified siloxane impression material which has superior hydrophilic properties, high tear strength, excellent dimensional accuracy, and resistance to deformation. Aquasil Ultra regular-set has a working time of 2:30 and a set time of 5:00 from start of mix. Indication: •Impression of dental arches for fabrication of crown and bridges. •Bite registration.


•Good wettability.

•Good surface detail.

•Easy to remove.

•Resistance to permanent deformation.

Package Contents: 4 x 50ml Cartridge

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Contact us for sales assistance from our Biomedical Engineer.

Prashanth Reddy V | Senior Sales Executive

+91 9063507429

[email protected]

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